Friday, April 2, 2010

Review of the Online version of Multihulls Magazine

I just finished reading the Online version of the Multihulls Magazine and I must say I am impressed. There is something to say about holding the paper version however I am not sure how they could do it any better.

If you haven’t tried reading a magazine online I think you might be impressed. I have seen some in the past that were slow and cumbersome. This one is fast and simple to use. A click here and a click there and you are turning pages, zooming in and out and panning up and down with an easy nudge of the mouse. One advantage the online version has is you can perform a keyword search. Can’t do that with the paper version. It is an excellent alternative to the hard copy.

This may be my 1st time reading the MultiHulls Magazine surprisingly. You don’t see it on the shelves to often where I am from. I felt it had a balanced mix of information, news, education, stories and product reviews. I was disappointed when I got to the end. You always want more ya know. I am looking forward to the next one.

1 comment:

Reg T said...

I thought the magazine was good in its paper version, so this is even better for those living aboard who don't want to cart around the weight of the hardcopy.

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