Green Energy Solutions for Catamarans

This will be a repository for note worthy vendors that specialize in some form of green energy propulsion systems.  I envision my Catamaran being propelled by electric motors assuming it meets the following list of critiria.  There must be a cost savings over the long haul to make it worthwhile.  The way gas prices are rising and techs are improving this shouldn't be hard.

Other benefits should include:
  • Reduced maintenance
  • Reliable with redundancy equal to or better than it's fuel consuming counterparts
  • Adequate power and speed generation under electric power alone
  • Reduced noise and pollution
  • Lighter weight is preferred
  • Ability to travel farther between fill ups or preferably eliminate fuel consumption entirely
The List:
  • Emotion Hybrids - Standard equipment in the Gunboat 60 according to recent news.
  • Mastervolt - Phaedo a Gunboat 66 is equipped with a complete Mastervolt system including Mastervolt Lithium Ion batteries and a digital switching installation. 
  • Victron - Victron has provided an advanced DC-DC voltage converter for the E motion Hybrids propulsion system.

More to come....
Lagoon 420 System
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